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landscape style中文

用"landscape style"造句"landscape style" in a sentence"landscape style"怎麼讀


  • 園林式


  • The valued villa area is landscape style , including japanese - style villa and american pattern villa
  • To help decide which ones to preserve first , the city has commissioned a study that identifies distinctive building and landscaping styles
  • To help decide which ones to preserve first , the city has commissioned a study that identifies distinctive building and landscaping styles
  • Article 8 to preserve cultural heritage and enhance environmental landscapes of a specific area , competent authorities may establish a standard set of rules for the architectural and landscape style of that area
    第8條為維護文化資產,增進環境景觀,主管機關得針對特定區域之周邊建筑與景觀風格定立標準規? 。
  • Hope that application by way of the new model and guidance effect establishment more fits the landscape style and features that development and tourist industry in chongqing rural area was asked on the foundation of now available landscape
  • The landscape style of a city was the integrated embodiment of its tangible and intangible environment and was the sum of elements of the city including natural environment , urban culture connotation , folk customs , architecture , monuments etc
  • This text analyzed the build and construction of ecology of city green space system and the build and construction of landscape style and features respectively with the green space system plan of new urban district of dalian as example , which explained the combination of the theoretical research and idiographic environment
  • The exceptive topographies and physiognomies decide the abundant landscape styles and eco - frameworks of these cities . however , owing to the inadequate understanding of the mountain area eco - sphere and the lacking in systematic guidance of mountain urban landscape theories , it is a shame that mounturban landscape construction can not adjust measures to local conditions and then meet the eco - environmental demands of those multi - shaped mountains and hills
    但是因為缺乏對山地生態環境的充分認識和系統的山地城鎮景觀理論指導,使山地城鎮景觀建設難以因地制宜的適應千姿百態的山地生態環境的要求,從而導致了“建設性的破壞”或“破壞性的建設” ;使山地城鎮景觀原有的鮮明個性和地方風韻逐漸消失。
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